Lifestyle Reboot Inside and Out Get on track in 5 Key Areas of Your Life (Career, Finances, Relationships, Health, Spiritual. ) In this 6 Month Program, you will learn the following. *Find Balance in Your Life *Learn to be grateful in all things and situations in your life *Set proper goals to reach your desired results *Design the future that you want *Understand the 5 key areas of your life *Change your relationship with food *Learn to Eat and Cook to Live *Reboot your lifestyle *Develop powerful relationships and support groups *Find your strengths and your desired career or increase performance in your current career. *Energize your life *Learn to deal and cope with stress *Find your life’s purpose Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
Finding Your Meaning and Purpose In Life In this Session or Presentation, you will learn the following. *How to identify the vision you are headed towards. *Learn to focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses. *Develop a sense of purpose and meaning in key areas of your life. *Identifying the Influencers in your life *How to use your gifts, strengths, passions, and experiences to make someone’s life better. *Create happiness in your life. *Fill your life with positive people, words, and outlook *Create positive emotions *Establish a support group and create love in your life *Build the necessary resources to recover from setbacks Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
Developing Your Personal Financial IQ . In this Session or Presentation, you will learn the following. *Mastering Budgeting *Understanding Fixed Expenses vs. Fluctuating Expenses *Setting Short Term and Long Term Financial Goals *Attacking the enemy called Debt *Creative ways to make income Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
Setting Myself Apart How to set yourself apart and think successfully. In this Session or Presentation, you will learn the following. *Self Leadership *Learn to peel back some of your layers and be honest with yourself •Define success for yourself *Establish your vision for the future •Determine what’s keeping you from moving on in life *Learn to explain your success and failures properly *Be happy and control your emotions *Make successful daily choices *Understanding Discipline *Bounce back from setbacks *Pursue what you are good at and be fulfilled while reaching your goals. *Defeat limiting thoughts. *How to find strength in adversity. *Relax and be productive in your strength zone. Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
LEADING YOU AS YOU LEAD OTHERS. In this Session or Presentation, you will learn the following. *Goal Setting *Defining and working in your strengths *Business Acumen *Time Management *Succession Planning *Meeting Management *Performance Management *Stress Management *Well-Being In The Workplace *Teamwork and Team Building Strategies *Work-Life Balance Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
LAUNCH YOUR BUSINESS. Achieve your business goals while limiting your risk. In this Session or Presentation, you will learn the following. *Goal Setting *Proper Bookkeeping *Business Ethics and Accumen *Business Development and Niche Planning *Competitive Analysis *Strategy and Implementation *Branding *Social Media Marketing *Client Acquisition and Lead Generation *Growth and Scaling Features: Active Facebook Group Membership Email Newsletter Updates Live Streaming Access and Q&A’s Podcast Access and Digital Content Downloads Discounts on Live Events, Workshops, and Seminars |
All of these courses are available in the following formats
*One on One Sessions
*Group Sessions
*Lunch and Learns
These programs include
*Email support
*Progress tracking
*Supplemental Reading Recommendations
*Invite to Inspiring community + events
*Discounts on Future Webinars and Teleseminars
*Discounts on Future In-Person Workshops
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