Have fun in life.
You will face challenges in life no matter where you are at.
Life’s challenges are not optional.
Deception is thinking that challenges are personal.
Is there a greater significance in what you are doing everyday?
Avoid the comparison game – It’s Dangerous
Most comparisons of self against others leaves you at a disadvantage.
Celebrate all of the successes in your life.
Your race is designed for you – Stay in your lane – Run HARD
In order to give to others you must constantly be putting things in mentally.
Invest in others and others will invest in you.
You will be paid in proportion to the number of people you serve.
Fruit in your life shows up years after the planting of GOOD seeds.
What are you doing to restore balance in your life?
Richness of FRIENDS vs. Richness of Money.
Take yourself to the next level.
Be the best YOU. 2nd rate someone else is a disservice to the world.
What matters is the U-Turns you make in your life.